20 Easter Eggs In Spider-Man Films You Didn't Notice

12. Mr. Ditkovich Is A Reference To Spider-Man Co-Creator (Spider-Man 2)

You might remember Mr. Ditkovich as Peter Parker's grumpy landlord, who's always chasing him for rent, and has a cute daughter, Ursula, with whom Peter makes fast friends (and frankly, she often seems to be a far more appealing prospect than the drama-loving Mary-Jane). Mr. Ditkovich was a character created solely for the movie series, and his name is a reference to Spider-Man co-creator Steve Ditko. Ditko has mostly been a recluse since the 1960s, declining interviews and cameo appearances in the Spider-Man movies (though Jonathan Ross did manage to meet him privately in 2007 while making a BBC documentary about the man), so Raimi decided to honour him instead with a scarcely veiled name cameo instead.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.