The Amazing Spider-Man 2 might not have been a perfect film (far from it, in fact), but director Marc Webb at least managed to compile a couple of objectively brilliant sequences. In the final moments of the film we find Andrew Garfields Peter Parker moping around appropriately after the death of his girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. It finally takes the reappearance of Paul Giamatti's Rhino to get him back in the swing of things. When the two come face to face at the very end of the film you witness a jaw-dropping sequence as Spidey deflects Rhino's missiles in a master-class on how to actually have a reason to use slow-motion in an action sequence. The scene ends rather abruptly, but the adaptation of Rhino from a hulking thug in a grey, skin-tight costume to a crazy Russian in a mechanical suit is inspired, as is the casting of usually straight actor Giamatti in a hilariously hammy, scenery-chewing bit part.
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: