20 Fascinating Films About Alcoholism

3. Everything Must Go (2010)

Will Ferrell stars as Nick Halsey, a salesman struggling with alcoholism who, after getting fired for drunken behavior, returns to his Phoenix, Arizona home to find the locks on his house changed, his possessions dumped on the lawn and a note from his wife saying their marriage is over. With no car, his bank account frozen and nowhere to go, Nick decides to live on his lawn with his stuff before eventually making the decision to sell everything he owns. While many films would treat this situation as the starting point of a bigger adventure and zoom through Nick getting rid of his stuff in a quick montage, Everything Must Go lingers in this moment so you can watch as Nick slowly grapples with the fact that he has indeed hit rock bottom. The first thing to know about this movie is that it's not your typical Will Ferrell comedy. It's not outrageously funny; it's not ridiculously silly. Truthfully, in spite of the comedy/drama label, it's not really a comedy at all. This is downcast, somber and even sad almost from the first moment. It's smart, poignant and puts alcoholism front and center.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com