20 Flawless Scenes From 2021 Movies

13. Free Guy - Chris Evans' Cameo

Free Guy is a movie that's overloaded with delightful moments, but this hysterical cameo just about steals the entire film.

During what is already a delightful climactic fight between protagonist Guy (Ryan Reynolds) and a video game enemy named Dude (also played by Reynolds), Guy uses various different weapons from various properties that Disney own.

This fight is being streamed all over the internet and hilarious reactions from all sorts of people are seen throughout. Then, just when Dude is about defeat Guy, he uses Captain America's shield to deflect the blow.

Cut to Chris Evans watching the footage in a cafe and exclaiming "What the s**t?!"

This cameo was only arranged at the last minute and took all of ten minutes to film, but it remains the film's most brilliant and joyous moment. There won't be many viewers who won't laugh their heads off at this scene, which is made even funnier by hearing the actor who plays the calm, clean-mouthed Captain America swearing like this.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.