20 Gory Movie Moments That Left Horror Fans Cheering

3. Tina'€™s Death €“- A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)

Nightmare On Elm Street Tina Dream
New Line Cinema

If you've seen the 2010 Nightmare On Elm Street remake then you€™ll surely agree that the €œupdated€ visual effects not only did nothing to improve the film but ultimately made it incredibly lame and not scary in the least bit. Indeed, if you want to see Mr. Krueger at his most terrifying then look no further than Wes Craven's original classic.

Everybody knows the story, in a nutshell, Freddy Krueger kills teenagers in their dreams€gruesomely. The greatest kill of the film (if not the entire series) is ultimately the very first one - the victim being young Tina Gray (Amanda Wyss). One night when she falls asleep she is attacked by Kruger; her struggles awaken her boyfriend Rod (Steve McFellgood) who watches Tina get slashed by Freddy€™s glove and dragged up the wall and across the ceiling, screaming his name before she falls lifeless onto the bed in a huge bloody heap.

This scene is pretty brutal and still holds up today, much better than the remake which is only a few years old. Honorable mention to a young Johnny Depp getting sucked into his bed before getting gruesomely spat back out. Always a crowd pleasing moment as well.

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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com