20 Greatest Ever Horror Movie Villains

14. Coffin Joe (Jose Mojica Marins) - At Midnight I Will Take Your Soul (1964)

Brazil€™s first horror icon, Coffin Joe has one wish: to maintain the €œcontinuity of the blood.€ Because his wife cannot bear him a child, he kills her and sets about finding a suitable woman to grant him an heir, leaving the usual trail of corpses in his wake. Don€™t be fooled by his superficial charm and formal attire €“ whatever Joe wants, he gets, and he€™s surprisingly forceful in his methods. Stand in his way and he€™s likely to whip you, gouge out your eyes or sever a digit with a broken bottle, and that€™s just for starters. While you€™re rolling around on the floor, helpless, he€™ll pour acid over you. If you€™re female, however, and are of no use to him, he€™ll be more lenient - he€™ll tie you up and leave a poisonous spider in your lap. It€™s this kind of consideration that makes him a true horror villain.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'