20 Greatest Ever Horror Movie Villains

15. Mark Lewis (Carl Boehm) - Peeping Tom (1960)

€œI made a film that nobody wants to see,€ director Michael Powell said, €œand then, 30 years later, everybody has either seen it or wants to see it.€ One of the reasons for that turnaround in opinion is Peeping Tom€™s lead character, who€™s one of the most fascinating in horror cinema. One of filmdom€™s first POV killers, Mark Lewis murders women to capture their terrified expressions on film, his fascination stemming from his bizarre childhood. You see, Mark€™s father used him as a guinea pig while studying the behavioural aspects of fear, and as he lures another young girl to her death, the viewer is left feeling the experience stuck in his craw a tad. If the combination of familial angst and obsession with death makes Mark sound like a poor man€™s Norman Bates, be aware that Peeping Tom opened in the UK 2 months before Psycho, but while Alfred Hitchcock€™s movie earned critical plaudits and reaped huge box office receipts, Powell€™s film was vilified for being voyeuristic. Opinion began to shift in the 1970s, with even Hitchcock following the film€™s lead by casting its lead actress, Anna Massey, in Frenzy (1972).
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'