20 Greatest Movie Moments Of The 2010s

18. Spider-Man - Into The Spider-Verse: The Leap Of Faith

Inception Corridor
Sony Pictures

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a wonderful animated superhero film that brilliantly blends exhilarating thrills, sharp satire, hilarious laughs and, most importantly, powerful emotional drama. It's incredibly inspirational and affecting, especially in this scene.

The under-confident Mile Morales, who has Spider Man-like powers and has just lost his uncle, is left behind in his dorm room after his mentor, Spider-Man for another dimension, declares he isn't ready to help stop main antagonist Kingpin from destroying the city. Before leaving he tells Miles that becoming Spider-Man involves a leap of faith and this comes along shortly after.

Miles' dad arrives and talks to Miles through the door. Miles can't reply since Spider-Man covered his mouth with web but Miles' father gives a wonderful speech about how much he believes in Miles and this gives Miles the courage to make his leap of faith.

As Miles finally becomes the new Spider-Man, it makes for a beautifully emotional and satisfying sequence that feels triumphant and wonderfully authentic. Factor in the amazing visuals and killer soundtrack ('What's Up Danger?') and you've got cinema's finest representation of becoming a superhero as well as a great message about believing in oneself.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.