20 Greatest Performances In Superhero Movies

18. Ryan Reynolds - Deadpool (Deadpool)

Wolverine The Joker
20th Century Fox

After getting the character so wrong in 2009's outrageously awful X-Men Origins: Wolverine (though it wasn't at all his fault), Ryan Reynolds got a rare chance at a do-over with his belated effort to actually do the R-rated superhero justice.

In a fully self-deprecating performance that admits his previous failures while making the most of his quick-fire wit and charm, 2016's new and improved Deadpool is unquestionably one of the most authentic translations of a superhero from page to screen (though he'd disagree with that "superhero" label).

Plus, who else has agreed to star in a superhero movie where they get pegged by their love interest character (Morena Baccarin)? That commands a certain respect, and with Reynolds' brilliantly fearless performance, cements that it's the character he was born to play.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.