20 Greatest Video Game Movie Moments EVER
Here's to Resident Evil's iconic laser hallway sequence.

Hollywood sure has had a strange relationship with video games, and after literally decades of failing to take them seriously, it finally feels like we're at a place where the industry recognises the zeitgeist appeal of quality video game adaptations.
HBO's The Last of Us may be dominating the discourse right now, and we're still left waiting for that first truly brilliant video game movie, but over the last 30 years there have been many great individual moments from even lesser video game adaptations.
It's little surprise that most video game movies are the result of intense compromise between the game's rightsholders and the interests of the movie studio, and while this often leads to disaster, something worthwhile usually still makes it in.
While many of these video game movies aren't great as feature-length outings, the quality of these individual scenes speak for themselves, bringing characters, locations, and even specific moments from the games to vibrant, crowd-pleasing life.
Hopefully with Hollywood finally treating video games with the level of respect they deserve, we're going to see many more great video game movie moments in the years to come...
20. The Leap Of Faith - Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed is unquestionably one of the most disappointing video game movies to date, considering not only the ripeness of the source material but also the film being directed by the great Justin Kurzell (Macbeth).
All the same, it does feature one brilliantly spot-on invocation of one of the game's signature moments - the iconic Leap of Faith.
Even if you've never played an Assassin's Creed game, you might be aware that players can execute swan dives from tall structures and land in a conveniently placed pile of hay below.
And in the movie, as Cal aka Aguilar (Michael Fassbender) escapes the Inquisition across rooftops, he does just that, balletically flying through the air - even though we sadly don't get to see him land in any hay.
All the same, it's a truly awe-inspiring moment in an otherwise crushingly lackluster movie.