20 Hidden Comedy Gems To Watch On Netflix

8. Young Adult

After watching Charlize Theron go all bad-ass on us in Mad Max: Fury Road, Netflix offers a change of pace with Young Adult. Here, Theron plays an alcoholic writer who returns to her home town to reclaim her high school boyfriend. Jason Reitman builds on his impressive track record for making insightful comedy dramas including Juno, Thank You For Smoking and Up In The Air, delivering a solid character study with plenty of wit as Theron's character Mavis slowly but inevitably falls victim to her own self-centered foibles. There's an element of bravery when any actor portrays an inherently unlikeable person, and it's to Theron's credit that, in spite of all of Mavis's flaws, you can't help but feel sorry for her. With its cynical take on love, Young Adult is an anti-rom com for the jilted (lovers) generation.

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