20 Highest-Grossing Movie Franchises Ranked Worst To Best

10. The Wizarding World

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader
Warner Bros.

Worldwide box office: $7.7 billion.

It's surely impossible to convey just how popular, beloved, and influential the Wizarding World series has been throughout its run. It has its own park at Universal Studios, it seemingly featured every British actor known to man, and it inspired an entire generation of moviegoers to believe in the power of their own imaginations.

With controlled and beautiful world-building, endearing characters, thrilling action and effective horror, the Harry Potter series in particular knew how to tug at audiences' heartstrings, keep fans guessing about the coming plot twists, and force its characters to confront the deepest, darkest evils in their lives.

Visually stunning every step of the way, the Harry Potter saga was a refreshing slice of epic fantasy, featuring few major hiccups whilst acting as a powerful treatise on the strength of friendship, loyalty and good's power over evil.

The more recent Fantastic Beasts prequel series has been much less compelling than its predecessor, creating multiple plotholes and trying too hard to relive the magic (!) of what came before, but through the greatness of the Harry Potter saga alone the franchise remains an undeniable all-timer.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool.