20 Highest-Grossing Movie Franchises Ranked Worst To Best

13. DC Extended Universe 

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader
Warner Bros.

Worldwide box office: $5.7 billion.

Where to start with the DCEU? Should we focus on the inconsistencies? The infamous production troubles? Its rushed world-building and inescapable plotholes? What about its cast, which is mostly perfect, but has stumbled continuously in the villain department?

These are only some of the DCEU's issues. It kicked off just as Marvel became a movie powerhouse, and in response tried a touch too hard to catch them up. It also saw numerous directors clash with the studio, jeopardising the series' tone.

But for all its struggles, fan backlash and overdrawn production flaws, the franchise is still kicking, and only becoming more confident and compelling with time. Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, Shazam! and the recent Suicide Squad reboot have all been strong enough to overcome the less-than-great Justice League and Dawn of Justice, and given its upcoming slate it seems poised to finally start reaching its full potential.

It might be hard for some people to be optimistic about the series' future, but its output as a whole promises big things moving forward. Fingers crossed.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.