20 Highest Grossing Movies Of 2015 - Ranked
Flipping the Box Office on its head.
While critical consensus is a subjective, difficult thing to gauge, theres a bona fide way to examine just what people are seeing at the cinema in any given year: the box office. Numbers dont lie, and while box office success of course isnt an accurate barometer of a movies overall quality, it remains that the box office chart is a sure thing in terms of telling us what people are watching - and what people will likely watch again. For something so important in the industry though, this has proven a hard thing to predict. Very few films are guaranteed box office successes, and the ones that are (think Star Wars) are the ones that have built up a reputation, that have captured the imagination of cinemagoers the world over over a sustained period of time. Being part of a huge franchise, as we'll see, is an immeasurable help, but there are other factors, too, like name stars or major blockbuster directors at the helm. 2015 was a huge year at the global box office, and the most success movies are a testament to that. Chock-full of franchise instalments, childrens films, and a couple of highest-grossers of all time, the following films are the twenty highest grossing pictures of 2015 worldwide - ranked.