20 Highest Grossing Movies Of 2017 - Ranked Worst To Best

3. Dunkirk

Dunkirk movie
Warner Bros.

Box Office: $525.2 million (#17)

There was never any doubt that Dunkirk would be a box office success, and the final worldwide total of Christopher Nolan's war epic saw it surpass Saving Private Ryan to become the highest-grossing World War II film of all time.

Clocking in at a mere 106 minutes, Nolan serves up a snappily-paced, bracingly intense war film like no other, following a tableau of characters spread across three desperate scenarios, edited together with pin-sharp precision and accompanied by a killer Hans Zimmer score.

Some might criticise its lack of character development and PG-13 approach to war, but the film's relentless intensity and its desire to show a wide scope of war's impact mostly compensates for this.

Audiences are sharply divided on where the film lands in Nolan's filmography, but there's little doubting its status as an instant war classic.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.