20 Hilariously Bad Amazon Reviews For Movies Everyone Loved

18. The Apartment

Say what you will, but modern cinema just doesn't have anything nearly as valuable to offer as the classics of years gone by. Oh, and by modern, we're talking about everything after 1959 apparently. Take this review of The Apartment as a scathing indictment that proves the 1960 Best Picture winner from Billy Wilder should have gone home empty handed.

17. The Lego Movie

Nothing is more annoying than a movie with hidden political agenda, especially when its politics are so blatantly liberal. One reviewer had the guts to stand up for our children and say what needed to be said. The Lego Movie is, in his mind, far from awesome.

16. Up

Up was and still is hailed as one of Pixar's very best, but perhaps the world was being too kind. The movie is sad, is it not? In its opening sequence, we see Carl Fredricksen and his wife learn they can never have children and then always have financial difficulties that prevent them from taking their dream vacation before Mrs. Fredricksen passes away. This type of sadness is allowed in movies, but sequence counts according to the following review.

15. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King can take its 11 Oscars and toss 'em into the lava with Gollum and the ring. After all, how can this third chapter in a series that was billed as a trilogy at the outset not adequately catch up everyone who skipped the first two films? One reviewer reminds us all of the need for movies to stand alone and also nails LOTR for ripping off another famous trilogy.

Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of ModernMythMedia.com.