20 Hilariously Bad Amazon Reviews For Movies Everyone Loved

14. Jaws

Jaws is a 1975 classic considered by many to be the first true blockbuster. The people of Amity are terrorized and in some cases, eaten alive by a rogue great white shark. The film was made back when much less was known about the animal's behavioral patterns than we've learned since, but this reviewer isn't buying it. Forger the swimmers and small boats, sharks are the true victims of this film.

13. Goodfellas

Goodfellas, for all its snappy dialogue and gangster fun, is not as good of a portrayal of life in the mafia as you thought. If Henry Hill really wanted to be a gangster, he should have looked up this next reviewer who apparently has some sense of real mob life. We can only assume that his or her true identity was hidden as a condition of membership in the witness protection program.

12. Jurassic Park

Whatever happened to realism in blockbuster movies, especially where dinosaurs are concerned? Most of us may have had a good deal of fun watching Jurassic Park and all its clever girls, but not our next reviewer. We, the newly humbled masses, forgot one key thing- the entire premise of the film could never happen!

11. Alien

The following review changes everything we think we know about evaluating classic films. So what it they were great, revolutionary, or ahead of their time? To truly pass the smell test, we need to start holding films made decades before to modern visual effects standards. It's only fair.

10. The Wizard Of Oz

Citizen Kane aside, there are some who consider The Wizard of Oz to be the greatest movie ever made, or at least their favorite. All of those people, however, are still in diapers as far as our next reviewer is concerned. Save your money and watch The Increbles instead! Please note: The Increbles is not currently available for purchase on Amazon and we still don't know what the hell that is.
Our deepest sympathies and a high five for taste in movies go out to Nate's sister.

Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of ModernMythMedia.com.