20 Iconic Scenes In Billion Dollar Movies

4. Binary Sunset - Star Wars

Star Wars isn't exactly known for its "emotional core," but there is one immensely iconic moment - one which lasts no more than 40 seconds, in fact - that comes ingrained with the ability to give the viewer a healthily dose of goosebumps, time and time again. We're taking about the "Binary Sunset" sequence, of course, which sees young hero Luke Skywalker - confused and anxious about his future - staring out across the great, white desert of Tatooine, wondering what lies beyond. As Luke ponders his future, there's something that absolutely everyone can relate to hiding in this moment. The fact that John Williams' iconic score is so beautifully implemented over the top adds an extra layer of poignancy and emotion to the moment - and, of course, the fact that there are two suns (subtly played by George Lucas, given the fact that there are TWO SUNS, people!) lets us know that the galaxy far, far away is very different to our own. All in all, it's an instance of cinematic perfection.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.