20 Iconic Scenes In Billion Dollar Movies

3. €œWelcome To Jurassic Park€ €“ Jurassic Park

When you pay to see a Steven Spielberg movie, chances are that €“ at at least one point €“ your going to find yourself staring at the screen with your mouth hanging open, totally and utterly awed by whatever it is the master of cinema has conjured up for your viewing pleasure. And there€™s perhaps no scene inherent to Spielberg€™s canon that better defines such an act than the one where Dr. Alan Grant and company first glimpse the amazing, CG-rendered dinosaurs in Jurassic Park for the first time. The genius of this scene stems from the fact that we€™re in the same boat €“ or custom jeep, perhaps €“ as Alan Grant, Ellie Sadler and Ian Malcolm. Spielberg takes us to Jurassic Park as if we were the guests, before unleashing that unforgettable moment where the late Richard Attenborough proudly states: €œWelcome to Jurassic Park,€ as we€™re treated to a beautiful landscape shot of immaculately-rendered CG dinosaurs backed by that timeless John Williams score. Cinematic genius, and iconic as they come.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.