20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Marvel Film Characters

18. Obadiah Stane Flying Into The Sky (Iron Man)

In the action-packed climatic battle of the first Iron Man movie, Tony Stark found himself in a fight he was unlikely to win against his former friend and mentor Obadiah Stane. Stane was wearing the supposedly superior Iron Monger armour and had the upper-hand in the battle. Stark, having already experienced icing problems with his armour and having rectified them, took the bull by the horns and headed up to the upper atmosphere knowing that Stane would follow. During the journey to the sky, Stane boasted about how his armour was superior to Tony€™s in every way €“ and he would ultimately end up with egg on his face as a consequence. No sooner had he started boasting that Stark pointed out to Stane that he hadn€™t fitted the suit with a de-icing tool, at which point Stane€™s armour froze up, shut itself down, and abruptly fell back to the ground.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.