20 Most Important Film Deaths This Decade

17. Hoban "Wash" Washburne - Serenity (2005)

Through his work in TV and film, Joss Whedon has made an art out of writing characters we can't help but love, and then swiftly killing them off in an emotionally excruciating way. This is exactly what happened in Whedon's fantastic movie follow-up to his acclaimed TV series Firefly, after pilot Wash managed to steer clear of a Reaper assault and crash land Serenity. After catching his breath, he utters his iconic line, "I am a leaf on the wind; watch how I...", but is cut off by a tree trunk hurled through the cockpit by the Reavers, impaling him and killing him instantly, to the shock of everyone. For fans of Firefly, it was a highly emotional moment, and after seeing Shepherd Book killed earlier in the movie, made it clear that Whedon wasn't playing around. Even once fans had been able to recover from the shock of Wash's death, it was hard not to feel a sting in your eye at the end of the movie when we saw Wash's toy dinosaurs still residing on the pilot's station as a tribute.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.