20 Most Important Film Deaths This Decade

18. Ra's Al Ghul - Batman Begins (2005)

One of the major plot revelations in Christopher Nolan's outstanding Batman Begins reboot is that the man we believed to be Ra's al Ghul (Ken Watanabe) is in fact a decoy, and the man we've known as Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson) is in fact the real deal as well as the leader of the League of Shadows. Ra's explains that the League are planning to tear Gotham apart from the inside by spreading the Scarecrow's fear toxin with the use of a microwave emitter, which would result in mass insanity and murder. The climactic sequence has Ra's taking the emitter on a monorail train towards the main water distribution facility in Gotham, but with the help of Jim Gordon, who uses the Batmobile to explode the tracks, the train carriage carrying Ra's and the emitter ends up plummeting to its doom. The scene is an important part of Batman's cinematic heritage and is frequently discussed by fans, because of Batman's line, "I won't kill you...but I don't have to save you." Some argue that Batman leaving Ra's to die is essentially tantamount to murder (and therefore the breaking of his no-kill rule), while others attest that it keeps his integrity in tact. What do you think?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.