20 Incredible Film Performances That Didn't Get The Credit They Deserved

2. Sam Rockwell - Moon (2009)

Renowned as one of the most reliable character actors in Hollywood, Sam Rockwell takes an all-too-rare lead role in Duncan Jones' debut feature, and proves why he is one of the most underrated talents of his generation with a career-best performance that was bafflingly overlooked during awards season. A well-written and expertly constructed existential sci-fi, Rockwell is the only person seen or heard for the majority of the movie and keeps the audience captivated with a turn that not only includes multiple roles, but covers a wide range of emotions from curiosity to despair via outright panic, all while dealing with major themes of isolation and identity. Writer/director Jones wrote the part specifically for Rockwell, and the actor repays his director's faith with a tirelessly dedicated turn. It remains one of the biggest oversights in recent years that Rockwell didn't pick up an Academy Award nomination, as the list of better performances that year could be counted on one hand.

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