20 More Incredibly Satisfying Moments In Movie History

5. Percy Wetmore - The Green Mile

Has there ever been a bigger b*stard in the world of cinema than Percy? Surrounded by murderers and rapists on death row, he somehow becomes the least likeable character in a film that supposedly bleeds them, and he does it all without ever actually doing anything criminally wrong. Percy fast becomes a beacon of hatred by just being himself; an obnoxious, arrogant and Napoleon esque busy body who thinks he owns 'tha mile' because of family connections. After messing up an execution and thus creating one of the most disturbing scenes Stephen King has produced (via Frank Darabont of course), we the audience are finally treated to this creep getting his just desserts after being given the sickness by J. Coffey. After shooting the horror show (and child killer) that is 'Wild Bill' Wharton, Percy falls into a permanent vegetative state and is finally transferred to the mental institution (as a patient) he promised he would disappear to a few scenes prior.

Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...