20 More Incredibly Satisfying Moments In Movie History

12. "I Want To Live Again" - It's A Wonderful Life

Much like You Can't Take It With You or Mr.Smith Goes To Washington, Frank Capra is a master of crushing the little man (usually James Stewart) into pieces right before a humongous kicker at the end that serves the audience with a nice thick slice of humble pie. The real enemy and antagonist to It's A Wonderful Life and its main character George Bailey (James Stewart) is town big wig, Henry Potter, who has been shafting small time business since day dot, in particular George's humble bank (which for some reason has a crow flying around its offices). After A Christmas Carol style intervention from an angel sent from above, George runs home as he realises the meaning of life isn't money, success or being stupid enough to let a crow fly around a bank, but the warm, sweet love of a family at Christmas. Of course, the town chips in and gives George the money he needs anyway, basically meaning he hasn't learned a thing.

11. Vito Corleone Get's His Revenge - The Godfather Part II

The two parallel stories of a young Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro playing Marlon Brando) and the ageing Michael (Al Pacino) have created one of the most powerful tales of any cinematic decade. But there is one scene in The Godfather Part II that shines above all else: at the very beginning of the film Corleone's father, brother and Mother are murdered at the hands of Mafia boss, Don Ciccio. After working his way up as an immigrant Gangster in New York, Vito finally returns to his home town of Sicily many years later and is introduced once more to Don Ciccio. Now a wheelchair bound frail old man, Ciccio, not recognising the man he once tried to kill, asks Corleone who his father was. Corleone whispers into his ear before allowing some time for it to sink in. Just as the recognition flashes across the old man's face a huge knife is ploughed into his stomach as Vito carves him almost in half, finally exacting revenge.

Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...