20 Indiana Jones Easter Eggs You Never Noticed

3. Fakest. Snakes. Ever. - Raiders Of The Lost Ark

One of the most iconic sequences in Raiders of the Lost Ark occurs after Indy ends up in the Well of Souls and finds himself faced with a pit full of venomous snakes, which just so happens to be his ultimate fear. In preparation for filming the scene, snakes were acquired from every pet shop near London, but that still wasn't enough to make the scene look menacing enough. Spielberg had a novel and relatively ingenious solution, though, to get a large number of garden hoses, cut them up and hurl them into the mix. Much like the cardboard seagulls in The Last Crusade, it's a case of hiding something extremely obvious in plain sight and hoping the audience will be enthralled enough not to notice. In this case, it's much more successful, because a) the scene uses low lighting and b) there are real snakes moving around amid all the hoses. Still, given how much snakes like to slither around and how noticeable it is that some of the snakes are "playing dead", it's not hard to spot the hoses if you comb through the scene. It's obvious in retrospect, but just as intended, it suits its purpose just fine to the untrained eye.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.