20 Indie Movies That Will Rule 2015

10. 99 Homes

Admit it: you€™ve always wanted to see a throw down between Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) and General Zod (Michael Shannon). Not only would the epic battle span two superhero universes, it would bring together two of the best actors to don tights onscreen. And that€™s exactly what audiences will finally get with 99 Homes. €Except they€™re playing different characters. And it€™s not a superhero movie, it€™s about the collapse of the housing market. But otherwise, it€™s basically Zod vs. Spider-Man for the fate of two universes. Sample review (via Film School Rejects):
"Stellar performances from both Garfield and Shannon (who exhibit a strong chemistry between each other that only gets better as the film goes on), a finely made and fiercely bold deconstruction of the price of the American dream, crisply filmed, emotionally effective without being heavy-handed."
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com