20 Indie Movies That Will Rule 2015

17. I Smile Back

It's always a pleasure when comedians (or in this case, comediennes) decide to flex their dramatic chops. It's a decision that's always met with some surprise at first, but really, is it all that shocking considering the usual inherent sadness that comes with being funny? Sarah Silverman stars in Adam Salky's I Smile Back as Laney, a seemingly perfect housewife and mother who also has a raging addiction to anything in sight: sugar, booze, pills, coke, sex, literally anything she can get her hands on apparently. The real draw here is seeing what Silverman will, no doubt, powerfully bring to the table (including a much talked about masturbation scene featuring a Teddy Bear). Sample review (via American Live Wire):
"Rarely has a performer striven so concertedly to shed any trace of his/her comedy roots as Sarah Silverman does over the course of I Smile Back, an addiction drama in which the acerbic comedienne gives the kind of warts-and-all, let-it-all-hang-out (body parts, fluids, etc.) turn that awards€™ consultants dreams are made of."
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com