20 Insanely Awesome 2017 Movie One Liners

14. "Happy Birthday" - The Disaster Artist

The Disaster Artist James Franco

When Tommy Wiseau convinces Greg Sestero to come to Los Angeles with him to properly pursue a movie career, Greg's mother isn't too keen on the idea of her son moving to another city with an older man he just met.

When Tommy arrives to pick Greg up, Mrs. Sestero heads out to meet Tommy, and is immediately disgusted at Tommy calling her son, "Babyface."

She asks Tommy how old he is, and he insists he's the same age as Greg, nineteen, despite clearly being much older. Mrs. Sestero mockingly tells Tommy, "You’re nineteen? Wow, y’know I actually just turned fourteen", and Tommy fires back the most Tommy Wiseau response he possible could: "Happy birthday."

It's a killer one-liner: brilliant in its simplicity and delivered with droll insouciance by James Franco.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.