20 Ludicrously Long Movie Titles You'd Probably Never Watch

16. You Gotta Walk It If You Like To Talk It Or You'll Lose That Beat (1971)

You GottaWhat The...? Sounding like the mad ramblings of a meth-deranged street philosopher, this is a hippie film, exploring life and its meaning, through the eyes of hippie walking through Central Park - that well known Mecca for intense philosophical thought. The film suffers from an abundance of random thoughts, which make it to screen without the restraint of an older, more experienced director (Peter Locke was only 27 when he made it) - it is anti-Establishment, but holds up a mischievous thumb, instead of a politicized placard, and it all feels a little bit too silly. The film is probably most notable thanks to the soundtrack, which features an early version of Steely Dan, with Donald Fagen on keyboards, Walter Becker on bass and guitar, Denny Dias on guitar and percussion, and John Discepolo on drums. Is It Any Good? Again, it's a messy one, showing no directorial restraint, and it feels very much like a jumble of good ideas never quite executed properly. It fails fundamentally to get under the skin of its subject, and the end result is too slight, and too meager to really matter.

15. The Man With The Smallest Penis In Existence And The Electron Microscope Technician Who Loved Him (2003)

Smallest PenisWhat The...? Clearly, there is someone for everyone in this zany world, which is the heart-warming message for all badly endowed men everywhere. Somewhat hilariously, Rotten Tomatoes seems to have confused this film with The Man Who Loved Women, which was released the same year, before a remake starring Burt Reynolds came out in 1983. Perhaps they know something about Burt Reynolds that his demeanour and on-screen persona hides from the rest of us? Is It Any Good? Frankly, it's unwatchable - the short's title writes some checks that the film itself simply cannot deliver on.
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