20 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden In Your Favorite Horror Films

16. Hatchet II Reveals What Happened After Frozen

Insidious Saw Jigsaw Puppet
Dark Sky Films

In Hatchet II, there's a brief scene that is very sneakily a sequel to another Adam Green movie, Frozen.

No, not that one.

Instead, the reference points towards the 2010 film about a group of people stuck on a ski lift. In the followup to Hatchet, Reverend Zombie has his TV playing in the background for a few seconds, and on it you'll notice Parker from Frozen giving a press conference.

She's talking about how terrifying her experience was and how she's never going to go skiing again, and a graphic reveals that she's settling a lawsuit with the resort. It doesn't mention exactly how much she's getting from them, but considering all she went through during the course of Frozen, it almost definitely isn't enough.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.