20 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden In Your Favorite Horror Films

13. Halloween H20 Pays Tribute To Psycho

Insidious Saw Jigsaw Puppet
Paramount Pictures/Dimension Films

Funnily enough, two of the most iconic horror actresses of all time are actually mother and daughter: Janet Leigh from Psycho and Jamie Lee Curtis from Halloween. When it came time to make Halloween H20, which overall was like a giant tribute to the Halloween series, director Steve Miner figured he'd have some fun with this connection.

There's a scene in the movie in which Laurie has a conversation with her secretary, Norma Watson, and these two minutes contain so many little inside jokes. First of all, Norma tells Laurie, "It's Halloween, I guess everyone's entitled to one good scare," which is a callback to a piece of dialogue from the original Halloween. Then there's the character's name, Norma, which is an obvious tribute to Norman Bates in Psycho, the movie that made Janet Leigh famous.

Then Norma walks towards her car, which is the exact car her character drove in Psycho right down to having the same license plate. Plus, as Norma is walking over, a few notes form the soundtrack of Psycho start playing in the background, specifically the theme that plays when Marion is driving in the beginning.

At first it just seems like a pointless scene of two characters talking, but in actuality, it's a giant thank you to Janet Leigh for helping kickstart the slasher movie.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.