20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

8. Gunnar Hansen Almost Wasn’t Leatherface

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bryanston Pictures

Leatherface is one of the horror genre’s most iconic villains and it’s difficult to think of anyone more fitting for the role than the towering, Icelandic born Gunnar Hansen but it almost wasn’t to be.

By the time Hansen heard that a certain little horror movie called The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was about to be filmed in his hometown of Austin, the character of Leatherface had already been cast.

Luckily for Hansen the original Leatherface actor got drunk, holed himself up in a motel and refused to come out. With the role once again vacant, Hansen auditioned and Hooper was hooked. The rest, as they say, is history.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.