20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

16. The Movie Had A Rocky Relationship With Film Censors

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bryanston Pictures

Despite Hooper’s best efforts to make his horror movie as audience-friendly as possible, it nevertheless faced the wrath of censors across the globe.

In Ottawa, Canada two cinemas were advised by police to stop screening the movie or face morality charges while over in the UK, the British Board of Film Classification outlawed it entirely – a ban that wasn’t officially lifted until 1999 when it was finally awarded an 18 rating.

In Germany, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was put on an official index of media deemed harmful to young people in 1982 and banned three years later with existing copies of the movie confiscated. It wasn’t until 2011 that the ban was finally lifted.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.