20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

15. It Was Christmas Shopping, Strangely Enough, That Inspired Tobe Hooper To Make The Movie

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Funnily enough, the lightbulb moment for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre came to Hooper while he was out shopping during the Christmas rush in late 1972 at a department store when he happened upon a rack of chainsaws while strolling around the hardware section.

Growing increasingly frustrated by the overzealous Christmas shoppers around him, Hooper said to himself “I know a way I could get through this crowd really quickly”. That is, presumably, by mowing the mindless consumer horde down with a chainsaw or two.

Mind, we’ve all thought similarly violent things when out battling the Christmas crowds right?


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.