20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

13. Which Is Ironic Because Edwin Neal Compared The Harrowing Shoot To His Time In Vietnam

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bryanston Pictures

Well actually, veteran Edwin Neal who played the hitchhiker and fought during the war in the late 1960s said the filming of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was worse than his stint in Vietnam and that’s really saying something.

Shot over the course of four weeks during a hotter than hell Texan heatwave on a shoestring budget, the cast were forced to wear the same blood-splattered costumes throughout production which as you can imagine didn’t smell too nice by the time filming finally wrapped.

In fact, Gunnar Hansen’s Leatherface costume started to reek so much that the cast and crew refused to sit next him at lunch. Bless him.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.