20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

14. It’s An Allegory For The Vietnam War Too

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

It wasn’t just murderous fantasies about Christmas shoppers that inspired Hooper to make The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, however. Going into production during the closing chapters of the Vietnam War, the movie was undoubtedly influenced by America’s dirtiest conflict.

Its grainy, documentary-style cinematography; the violence taking place and the lack of any real rationale behind it; the brutal slaughter of young people in an alien environment; the pervasive sense of doom and disillusion throughout – it’s clear the movie is a product of its politically turbulent times.

Although we’d probably rather go up against a chainsaw-wielding Leatherface than an American bomber full of napalm, given the choice.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.