20 Mistakes You Probably Missed In Ghostbusters Movies

9. Terrible Cops

When Dana is possessed by Zuul she causes her apartment to explode, and blows a hole in the side of the building, the city€™s police force is surprisingly relaxed - to the extent, in fact, that they barely even bat an eyelid towards it. Normally, you might expect such an explosion to force an evacuation of the building, and a major police presence, who would send officers in to investigate and make sure nobody was hurt. Clearly, this did not happen, since Dana was allowed to remain unmolested in her exploded apartment until Louis turns up - who would probably have been stopped by police from entering the building if they were anywhere on the scene. Surely the police would have known to close off the entrance themselves, instead of waiting for the Ghostbusters to tell them to, right?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.