20 Most Critically Adored Films Of 2015

2. Inside Out

Rotten Tomatoes: 98% From 298 Reviews Despite the muted reaction to the openly derivative (but in no way terrible) The Good Dinosaur, 2015 was still a great year for Pixar, as they scored one of their top three best films yet released with Inside Out. The film is basically a checklist of Pixar successes; rampant emotions, terrible devastation, great characters, a charming script and a wondrous sense of imagination that takes simple compelling What Ifs and plays them out colourfully. It's very much an inclusive film without gender bias (which is always good), and in that bloody Bing Bong scene, it scored the saddest Pixar moment of all. Sample Review:
"On the scale of inventiveness, "Inside Out" will be hard to top this year. As so often with Pixar, you feel that you are visiting a laboratory crossed with a rainbow." - Anthony Lane, New Yorker

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