20 Most Awesome Items Belonging To Comic Book Movie Heroes

8. The Batmobile (Various Batman Movies)

Tumbler I'll enter the Batmobile as a composite of every one we've seen (including Tim Burton's etc), but for illustrative purposes I'll use the Tumbler from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. In Tim Burton's Batman movies, the Batmobile looked rather like how we expected it to look after having got so used to the comic book version. It possessed weaponry and gadgets such as side-mounted grappling hook launchers, twin-mounted machine guns, oil slick dispensers, smoke emitters, disc projectile launchers and bomb dispensers. The Joel Schumacher version saw an updated but still familiar-looking design, but had added facilities such as a rear camera so Batman could see what was going on behind him. However, the Tumbler - as mentioned above - totally broke from the norm. It was a military vehicle, originally painted in a camouflage style, which Batman had painted black for his own use. It featured a rocket launcher, an integrated fire-extinguishing system, a stealth mode, twin machine guns, mine deployment and very heavy armour. Very different incarnations, but all serving the same purpose and all very cool.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.