20 Most Awesome Items Belonging To Comic Book Movie Heroes

9. The Owlship/Archie (Watchmen)

Owlship The Owlship (or Archie - short for Archimedes, which is the name of Merlin's pet owl) is a very bizarre but cool-looking aircraft from the Watchmen movie. Belonging to Nite Owl, the Owlship actually resembled an owl's face and could travel at incredible speeds as well as hover like a hovercraft. It possessed a machine gun, powerful 'screechers' that emitted a high-pitched sound which could distract or pacify enemies and blowers that produced concealing fog (from dry ice). Its main scene in the movie comes when a building with children inside is on fire. Nite Owl and Silk Spectre approach the building in the Owlship and use the machine gun to collapse a water tower that helps to extinguish some of the flames. Silk Spectre enters the building by dropping out of an escape hatch in the Owlship's floor. Afterwards, the two characters have sex in the Owlship while Leonard Cohen's 'Hallalujah' plays, for the record.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.