20 Most Awesome Items Belonging To Comic Book Movie Heroes

3. The Mask (The Mask)

The Mask The Mask €“ even the movie version which is nowhere near as powerful as its comic book counterpart €“ is a hugely underestimated item when it comes to its power level. In the movie, Jim Carrey dons the item belonging to Loki and is considerably watered down, but his powers are still very impressive. The most impressive aspect of the Mask's powers is its damage soak. Wearing the Mask allowed Stanley Ipkiss to swallow a bomb, let it explode inside him, and walk away from the experience unharmed (commenting on how 'spicy' it was) and he was shot full of holes by machine guns and laughed about it. He possessed vast speed too, thanks to the Mask - spinning so fast that he could not be seen by the human eye. He also has the reality warping ability to conjure items from nothing. If he wants a Thompson submachine gun, he can create one with his mind. The fact that he also made a crowd of people sing and dance like mad folk would also suggest he possesses some kind of mind controlling abilities. Basically, he's not the joke that he appears to be from the outside and that is all thanks to this very powerful item.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.