20 Most Awesome Items Belonging To Comic Book Movie Heroes

2. Mjolnir (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

thor-darkworld-feat Mjolnir is a war-hammer which has been echanted by Odin to grant anyone worthy of wielding it 'the power of Thor'. As a result, Thor's physical strength is up there with the Hulk's, if not quite as great €“ he blocked one of Hulk's punches with some effort €“ and he is stronger than Tony Stark in his Iron Man armour. In terms of his durability, he can take a beating from the Hulk and walk away relatively unscathed, while his head-butt to Iron Man did more damage than Iron Man's head-butt to him. He can also fly, but it is his more esoteric powers that make him truly impressive. Mjolnir can create powerful whirlwinds when swung €“ enough to lift the Destroyer Armour off the ground, and he can summon powerful bolts of lightning that can take down the Chitauri's enormous space whales in one blast. It also looks incredibly cool, because who wouldn't want to enter battle wielding a god damn hammer?!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.