20 Most Awesome Items Belonging To Comic Book Movie Heroes

16. Batman's Utility Belt (Various Batman Movies)

Batman 13 Batman's utility belt is the standard bit of equipment carried around at all times when Bruce Wayne is wearing his Batman suit and it has appeared in every live action movie to date as a result. In the Tim Burton Batman movies, it is yellow and possesses batarangs, grappel guns, smoke capsules and various other gadgets. The belt also contains a small motor used for shifting equipment from the rear of the belt to the front. In the Joel Schumacher Batman movies, it is black like the suit and possesses a grappling gun, magnets, batarangs, energy binders and more. In the Christopher Nolan trilogy, it is gold and is actually a modified climbing harness. It carries a magnetic gas-powered grapple gun, an encrypted cell phone, Batarangs, a medical kit, smoke bombs, mini explosives, periscope, remote control for the Batmobile (The Tumbler), mini-cam, money, and other unspecified equipment.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.