20 Most Awesome Items Belonging To Comic Book Movie Heroes

15. Hawkeye's Bow & Arrows (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Hawkeye Fires Blind Hawkeye's Bow is a specialized bow made for Hawkeye's arrows and is, quite surprisingly, one of the more versatile weapons in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It comes with a quiver to house the numerous arrows, is mechanized and can swap arrowheads such as standard projectile arrows, explosive arrows, arrows with electrical devices attached to them or grappling hooks. Simply pressing a button on the handle grip of Hawkeye's collapsible bow will make an arrow combine with the selected specialised arrowhead. It is also foldable, as seen when Hawkeye is in Loki's underground base when he's retrieving it from his case. Hawkeye is extremely proficient in its usage and can be accurate with his aim even when he's not looking at his target.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.