20 Most Awesome Items Belonging To Comic Book Movie Heroes

12. Captain America's Shield (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

the_avengers_captain_america-1920x1080 Captain America's shield, made from the very rare, lightweight and extremely durable metal vibranium, is the first Avenger's key weapon. It can be used for both defensive and offensive purposes. Defensively, it has blocked bullets with ease, it has deflected the energy weapons of the advanced alien race the Chitauri and, most impressively, it absorbed a strike in anger from Thor using his hammer Mjolnir - even sending the Asgardian flying from the impact of his own attack. Offensively, Captain America is extremely skilled in the shield's usage. He can use it as a basic melee weapon, bludgeoning opponents with it in the most basic form of attack, but he can also throw it with extreme accuracy - so much so that he can take out multiple opponents in a single throw and have the shield return to him like a boomerang. It looks cool, it protects him and he can use it to hurt people. An all-round awesome item.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.