20 Most Awesome Items Belonging To Comic Book Movie Heroes

11. War Machine Armour (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

War Machine The movie version of the War Machine armour, whilst fairly formidable, wasn't in the same league as the Iron Man armours. It was durable, could fly and had that cool-looking shoulder-mounted mini-gun, but it didn't have the versatility of the higher mark armours that Tony wore (no missiles or multiple-targeting explosives etc) and it didn't have JARVIS lending a helping hand. Rhodey helped Iron Man to defeat Whiplash in the final battle of Iron Man 2 and was key in doing so, while in Iron Man 3 €“ under the Iron Patriot guise, complete with American stars and stripe design €“ he was more of a character unto himself as the government's "American hero" in response to the events in The Avengers, but his armour was compromised by Aldrich Killian and used for villainous purposes. It's powerful, but not as powerful as Iron Man's suits, while it just didn't look as cool. It was either plain, boring silver, or a cheesy red, white and blue.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.