20 Most Badass Female Horror Characters Ever

11. Erin Harson - You're Next

Horror Women Lola Stone Sarah Carter Erin Hanson

You’re Next is a unique film from Adam Wingard that takes the trope of the female horror victim and turns that on its head in a brilliant way. The film’s first act sets this up to be a pretty typical home invasion flick, with Erin joining her boyfriend to a family reunion. During dinner, the house suddenly comes under attack by mysterious assassins wearing animal masks, and all hell breaks loose.

Except these assassins just messed with the wrong girl, and little do they know that Erin couldn’t be more prepared for this. It’s revealed that Erin is actually a survivalist, and so instead of running around the house screaming and waiting to be killed, she sets traps and actively pursues the killers. The hunted becomes the hunter, and Wingard totally shifts perspective to follow the killers as they creep through the house terrified of Erin. They're far more scared of her than she is of them.

Erin's a total badass, and seeing her strike back against these psychopaths makes for one of the most satisfying final acts in recent horror history.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.