20 Most Badass Female Horror Characters Ever

7. Eli - Let The Right One In

Horror Women Lola Stone Sarah Carter Erin Hanson
Magnet Releasing

In Let The Right One In, Eli is a centuries-old vampire who forms a relationship with a young boy, Oskar. She has all the typical vampire traits, needing to be invited inside places as well as a sensitivity to the sun. The movie is definitely more about the relationship between the two kids than it is about horror, but there's one scene in particular that makes Eli so memorable.

Towards the end of the film, Oskar is confronted by a bunch of bullies who hold him under the water in a pool. While Oskar is under there, you suddenly see a severed head land in the water, and the hand holding Oskar lets go of him and floats down, chopped off and dripping blood. When Oskar comes to the surface, he sees a bloodied Eli, having brutally murdered all these boys and defended him.

She's another heroine who you sympathize with, as her vampirism is really a curse that makes it difficult for her to connect with people, but in moments when her sudden brutality is made clear, you suddenly fear her as well.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.