20 Most Badass Female Horror Characters Ever

14. Ángela Vidal - REC

Horror Women Lola Stone Sarah Carter Erin Hanson
Filmax International

In this Spanish found footage film, a reporter follows a fire station crew for a television documentary, but things spiral out of control when a call to an apartment complex leads them into a zombie outbreak. 

Even as things start to get out of control but before it's really clear that this is a zombie situation, Ángela remains committed to her job and tries to get as much information as possible, not cowering in fear like the average person would. Along with her cameraman, she's able to fight through the zombie infested apartment, and in REC 2 she gets to be even more badass, blowing off one of the zombie's heads with a shotgun.

Ángela herself ends up turning into a zombie, giving Manuela Velasco the opportunity to play both hero and villain over the course of this franchise. She returns in the lead role in the recently released REC 4: Apocalypse, a pretty fitting end to her character. 

Unlike a lot of found footage protagonists, Ángela is someone you really root for and who isn't monumentally stupid. The fact that REC 3 suffered so much from not having Ángela in it shows how vital she always was to this series.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.